Our Team

Institutions, investigators and team members listed in alphabetical order

Centre for Chronic Disease Control (CCDC)/
Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI),
New Delhi

Ruby Gupta Dorairaj Prabhakaran

Naveen Kaushik Garima Rautela

Dimple Kondal Roopa Shivashankar

Siddhartha Mandal Kalpana Singh

Sailesh Mohan Ajay S Vamadevan

Emory University,

Mohammed K. Ali K. M. Venkat Narayan

Howard H. Chang Shivani A. Patel

Unjali P. Gujral Lisa Staimez

Mark Hutcheson Yan V Sun

Ram Jagannathan Arshed A. Quyyumi


All India Institute of Medical Science
(AIIMS), New Delhi

Deksha Kapoor

Lakshmy Ramakrishnan

Nikhil Tandon

Madras Diabetes Research
Foundation (MDRF), Chennai

Ranjit M. Anjana

Deepa Mohan

Viswanathan Mohan

R. Pradeepa

Venkatesan Ulagamadesan



Anurag Aggarwal (Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, New Delhi)

Lindsay Jaacks (Edinburgh University, Edinburgh)

Shuchi Anand (Stanford University, Stanford)


Note: Aga Khan University (AKU), Karachi, through a collaborative arrangement with Emory University, is a member of the CARRS Consortium. Dr. Romaina Iqbal is part of the CARRS investigator group.

Executive Committee

Mohammed K. Ali

Viswanathan Mohan

K.M. Venkat Narayan

Dorairaj Prabhakaran    

Arshed Quyyumi

Nikhil Tandon


Publication, Presentation,
and Ancillary Studies Committee

Mohammed K Ali

Howard Chang

Viswanathan Mohan

Dorairaj Prabhakaran

Yan Sun

Nikhil Tandon


Internal Advisory Group:

Viola Vaccarino, K. Srinath Reddy, and Laurence Sperling

Field Operations and Laboratory Committee

Ranjit M. Anjana

Anurag Agarwal

Ruby Gupta

Deepa Mohan

Shivani Patel

Lakshmy Ramakrishnan

Roopa Shivashankar


Finance and Program

Emily Chuba

Mark Hutcheson

Suma Sajan

Ajay Vamadevan